What does a mole on arm mean? What causes a mole on arms? It is very common to have a mole on your arm. The causes vary, and would include cancer and many others. The mole usually manifest its self as a swollen, raised itchy bump. Read through for more information about the symptoms and how to get rid of an arm mole.
Moles are small colored spots on the skin made up of cells known as melanocytes that produce the color pigment in your skin. They are scientifically known as melanocytic naevi. They are often brownish in color. They can be raised, smooth or rough. Some may have hair growing from them. Most are circular or oval with a smooth edge.
Moles can change in number and appearance and sometimes respond to hormonal changes for example during pregnancy, teenage years and golden age.
What does a mole on arm mean?
A mole on arm is a small colored spot on the skin made up of cells known as melanocytes that produce the color pigment in your skin. A Mole may appear on any part of the body. It may appear on your arm, face, body or hands. A mole on your arm may be due to different reasons. A mole appearing on your arm maybe cancerous and May thus spread to other part of your body tissues.
You need to see your health care provide as soon as you notice the mole growing bigger, starting to itch or swelling.
Mole on arm pictures
Pictures, images and photos inserted in this page are to help you visually understand how arm mole look like. Find one below.
Mole on arm cancer
Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that begins in melanocytes. It is potentially dangerous because it can invade nearby tissues and spread to other parts of the body, such as the lung, liver, bone, or brain. The earlier that melanoma is detected and removed, the more likely that treatment will be successful.
Most melanocytes are in the skin, and melanoma can occur on any skin surface. It can develop from a common mole or dysplastic nevus, and it can also develop in an area of apparently normal skin. In addition, melanoma can also develop in the eye, the digestive tract, and other areas of the body.
When melanoma develops in men, it is often found on the head, neck, or back. When melanoma develops in women, it is often found on the back or on the lower legs.
People with dark skin are much less likely than people with fair skin to develop melanoma. When it does develop in people with dark skin, it is often found under the fingernails, under the toenails, on the palms of the hands, or on the soles of the feet
Cancerous mole symptoms
There exist same definite signs and symptoms that a mole could be cancerous. If you notice the symptoms, you need to see you doctor as soon as possible to reduce the risk of spread from one tissue to the other. You need to see your doctor if your mole is;
- Getting bigger
- Changing shape, from regular to an irregular shape.
- Itching or becoming painful
- Bleeding or becoming crusty
- Looking inflamed
Research suggests that moles with 3 or more different shades of brown or black are particularly likely to be melanoma. If you have a dark area under a nail that is getting bigger and is not due to an injury you should also see your doctor.
Treatment of cancerous moles on arm
Once the cancerous mole on arm has been diagnosed and staged, your doctor will tell you the best available option. You and your doctor need to discuss and agree on the best option available. You will want to weigh the benefits of each treatment option against the risks and side effects.
Early-stage melanomas can often be treated with surgery alone, but more advanced cancers often require other treatments. Sometimes more than one type of treatment is used depending on the stage of the cancer and other factors, your treatment option might include;
- Surgery– When melanoma is diagnosed by skin biopsy, more surgery will probably be needed to help make sure the cancer has been removed (excised) completely. This fairly minor operation will cure most thin melanomas.
- Chemotherapy- Chemotherapy (chemo) uses drugs that kill cancer cells. The drugs are usually injected into a vein or taken by mouth as a pill. They travel through the bloodstream to all parts of the body and attack cancer cells that have already spread beyond the skin.
- Radiation therapy- uses high-energy rays (such as x-rays) or particles to kill cancer cells. Though not often used to treat melanoma on the skin, it is used sometimes if surgery is not an option for some reason. It can be used after surgery for an uncommon type of melanoma known as desmoplastic melanoma. It can also be used to treat melanoma that has come back after surgery, either in the skin or lymph nodes, or to help treat distant spread of the disease.
Mole on arm with hair swollen
As we have already established, a mole is formed by type of cell found in the skin called a melanocyte. These are the pigments that give our skin its color. When a group of melanocytes cluster together in a large numbers, they produce small darker area, often raised, known as a common mole.
If a hair follicle happens to be in the midst of the clustered melanocytes, the mole will appear to sprout hair, which can be black or other color. The hair is actually coming from the follicle. It is good to note that the hair is not produced by the mole itself.
Many people have heard that a mole with hair is more likely to become cancerous than other moles or that removing the hair can cause or trigger cancer. There is no scientific evidence for these statements. Because hair is produced by an entrapped hair follicle and not the mole itself, neither the presence of hair nor the process of removing it has any effect on whether the mole will develop into a cancer.
Other features of a mole, however, can indicate a higher risk of melanoma, so it’s important to bring any unusual or changing mole to your doctor’s attention.
Mole on left arm above elbow painful
A mole may develop on any part of your body. If you notice a mole on your left arm getting bigger and changing color, you need to see your doctor to avoid the chances of it spreading to other parts of your body tissue.
A mole on arm getting bigger could be as a result melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Melanomas usually appear as a dark, fast-growing spot where there was not one before, or a pre-existing mole that changes size, shape or color and bleeds, itches or reddens. The main treatment for melanoma is surgery, although your treatment will depend on your circumstances.
Skin colored mole on arm getting bigger
Moles on arm usually change over time. They may grow bigger, change in color or become more raised. Some mole may change and grow bigger. This should be a cause for alarm, you need to see your doctor as soon as possible to avoid the risk of infection and spread to other body parts. This could be skin cancer.
Early detection and treatment of skin cancer can prevent complication. The reason for the mole on your arm to change color and grow bigger could be as a result of melanoma, a serious type of skin cancer these early signs can be described in the ABCDE system as follows:
- Asymmetry. One half doesn’t match the other half.
- Border irregularity. The edges are ragged, notched, or blurred.
- Color. The color isn’t uniform. Shades of tan, brown, and black are present. Dashes of red, white, and blue make the mole look blotchy.
- Diameter. The mole is larger than 6 mm (0.2 in.) across (about the size of a pencil eraser). Any growth of a mole should be of concern.
- Evolution. There is a change in the size, shape, symptoms (such as itching or tenderness), surface (especially bleeding), or color.
Mole on arm changing color blue, red, or black
A mole on arm getting bigger could be as a result of melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Melanoma usually appear as a dark, fast-growing spot where there was not one before, or a pre-existing mole that changes size, shape or color and bleeds, itches or reddens. The main treatment for melanoma is surgery, although your treatment will depend on your circumstances.
You need to see your doctor as soon as possible. The best treatment is dependent on early diagnosis this could also help prevent the chances of the cancer spread from one tissue to another.
White itchy mole on arm
A white itchy mole on arm can be a symptom of melanoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer. If your arm become itchy, you need to have it certainly examined by your doctor.
However, you have to take into consideration other factors that may be causing your mole to itch. Are you using a new laundry detergent? Do you use a body lotion that contains fragrances or other chemicals that could be irritating the skin? Have you been spritzing yourself with a new cologne, aftershave or body spray? Think about what products you use and how they may cause skin irritation.
Mole on female arm getting bigger
A mole on arm getting bigger could be as a result of melanoma, a type of skin cancer. Melanoma usually appear as a dark, fast-growing spot where there was not one before, or a pre-existing mole that changes size, shape or color and bleeds, itches or reddens. The main treatment for melanoma is surgery, although your treatment will depend on your circumstances.
If the mole is found to be a melanoma, your doctor will prescribe the best medication to treat the mole. The most common treatment option would include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
Huge bumpy mole on arm bleeding
A huge mole on arm that bleed with minimal trauma may be in fact a skin cancer with abnormal blood vessels or impaired skin integrity. Itchy moles may be a result of “normal” processes such as eczema and dermatitis. However it may also be due to nerve endings being irritated by cancerous cells. Seek medical help if these symptoms do not resolve after 2 weeks
Sufficient trauma can make any skin or moles bleed. This may happen accidentally such as shaving cuts. We are most concerned with moles that bleed with minimal trauma. It tells us the skin surface has been weakened or that the blood vessels under the skin are unusually fragile. A cancerous change or growth can cause such changes to the skin structures.
Raised hard mole on arm near elbow
A raised hard mole on your arms could be a dysplastic nevus, is a type of mole that looks different from a common mole. A dysplastic nevus may be bigger than a common mole, and its color, surface, and border may be different. It is usually more than 5 millimeters wide. It can have a mixture of several colors, from pink to dark brown. Usually, it is flat with a smooth, slightly scaly, or pebbly surface, and it has an irregular edge that may fade into the surrounding skin.
If you notice the above symptoms you need to see your doctor as soon as possible.
Red mole on skin that hurts
Itch is a sensation transmitted by small nerve endings within the skin layers. Common skin conditions such as dermatitis and allergic reactions, and external causes such as insect bites can cause itching. However, abnormal growth within a mole or melanoma may also activate these itch nerve fibers.
Therefore, if a mole begins to itch without a known cause, it is time to be vigilant. If the itch persists for more than 2 weeks then you should consider seeking a medical opinion.
Similar to itch, pain is transmitted by nerve fibers in the skin. As expected, any injury to a mole can lead to a painful mole. This should settle very quickly within days. If there is no known injury and the pain persists beyond 2 weeks, then you should consider a medically checkup.
Mole on arm turned into scab
Scabs are a common symptom of skin infections, immune system skin disorders, and injury. Scabs result from the healing process, in which new skin grows over damaged skin. They may occur in conditions affecting one area of skin alone, or along with more generalized conditions, such as shingles, chickenpox, or eczema
A mole on arm that turns into a scab could be cancerous, as the mole grows bigger and ruptures it may take a lot of time to heal and get back to normal. When this happens, you stand the risk of having the mole grow to other parts of the body tissue.
If you notice the mole in your arm, is not healing or going away and it is changing to a scab, you need to see your doctor as on as possible.
Mole on toddler’s arm peeling
How often do you check your baby’s body? Have you just noticed the presence of a mole? Even though moles are generally harmless, and develop at least to majority of people across their lifetime, the presence of a mole on your toddlers arm should be a cause for alarm. You need to see your doctor so that your child is checked and the possibility of the mole being cancerous subverted.
Normally for babies, due to weak skin, as the mole grows bigger, the surface of the mole my rupture and begin to peel off. This maybe painful causing a lot of discomfort to the toddler. Appling some over –the- counter anti-itching and anti-inflammatory creams can help soothe the skin and prevent the itching.
How to treat, remove a mole on your arm
Most moles are not a health threat. Treating moles can also be difficult since some procedures can leave a scar behind. While professional medical procedures are the safest and surest methods to try, if you want the mole gone for good, you could also consider trying a few safe yet unverified home remedies first to get rid of the mole without leaving a trace of it behind. This would include;
- Use garlic. The enzymes in garlic are believed to dissolve moles by breaking apart the cell clusters that make them up. It can lighten the pigmentation of the moles, and in some cases, it may even get rid of the mole completely.
- Soak the mole in juice. There are various types of fruit and vegetable juice that can be applied to the mole. Usually, some acidic or astringent element in these juices can attack the cells of the mole, causing the mole to fade and even disappear. For example, apply sour apple juice three times a day for up to three weeks. You could also apply Dab onion juice onto the mole two to four times a day for two to four weeks
- Apply a paste of baking soda and castor oil just before you go to bed and cover the area with a bandage. Rinse the paste off in the morning. Repeat this technique for about a week, or until the mole fades or disappears.
Laser Mole Removal Treatment Video
Further reference
- Moles on arm http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Moles/Pages/Introduction.aspx
- Itch mole on arm http://www.webmd.com/melanoma-skin-cancer/tc/changes-in-a-mole-or-skin-growth-topic-overview
- Itchy mole, melanoma http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/type/melanoma/about/melanoma-symptoms
- Itch mole http://www.skincheckwa.com.au/painful-itchy-crusty-scabby-red-moles-and-spots-on-skin