How to Get Rid of Boils on Inner Thigh, Buttocks, Causes Symptoms &Treatment

Having boils on inner thigh and buttocks? Are you wondering of how to get rid of these boils? Then worry no more, this article will address the possible causes, symptoms and treatment options. We also provide you with simple home remedies on how to soothe and ease pain associated with boils.

A boil is a skin infection that starts in the hair follicles or oil glands. It is a skin abscess that form at hair follicle infected with pus-forming bacteria. Boils in your inner thigh and buttocks, start when your skin turns red around those areas and a tender lump develops. After some time, the lump start to turn white as puss collects under it.

The common cause of lump under armpits and buttocks is a bacterium staphylococcus aureus. Due to the accumulation of the pus, the skin under your thighs and buttock may fill painful. You should note that, a boil is not an infection, but a symptom of an underlying health complication. Please visit your health care provide to get diagnosed to establish the actual cause of the boils.

Related Article:How to get rid of boils under armpit and treatment

Most antibiotics are effective in treating boils. If you have been diagnosed with long illness such as cancer and diabetes or use medication that suppress the immune system, contact your doctor immediately. Otherwise simple home remedy will help soothe the irritation and speed the healing process.

Pictures, images of boils on inner thigh and buttocks

Below is an image of boil on skin. Find more pictures throughout the post that will help you identify the cause of your symptoms. This is to provide a visual aid on the appearances of this condition on your buttocks and inner thigh.

What causes boils on inner thigh and buttocks?

Boils on inner thigh and buttocks may arise from various causes. They include:

1. Staph infection on inner thigh and buttocks

Staph are group of bacteria causing multiple disease. Staphylococcus is not age dependent to people in given age group. Anybody can develop the infection. However, some group example newborns and lactating mothers.  Also people with weak immune system have highly likelihood to get infected with staph.

When the staph attack is on inner thigh and buttocks, it may result in the skin pores accumulating pus to form boils. The most common symptom are red, swollen tender to painful boils.

To treat and get rid of the boils you could use; Antibiotics such as cephalosporin’s or sulfa drugs. The other option is to drain the boil using a syringe or a sharp object to make incursion on the boil.

2. Hidradenitis suppurativa

This is a disease commonly associated with the sweat gland.  The condition triggers the inflammation of the apocrine glands as a result of clogging thereby forming boils on buttock and inner thigh. The condition can also attack the groin, under armpit and under breast for women.

For diagnosis and treatment, you need to watch out for the following symptoms: itchy boils around genital area, enlarged lumps that look like pimple. Skin becomes painful and tender.

The condition should not worry you, it is treatable and it is not contagious. Once the condition is diagnosed your dermatology will prescribe some anti-inflammatory drugs. Depending on how large your cyst is, draining the boil is possible

3. Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that makes the blood sugar level to go high. It could be of two type, type 1, where the body immune system attacks insulin producing cells. The other type is, diabetes type-2 where the body fails to produce enough insulin or the body cells fail to react to the little insulin produced.

Diabetes is a disease that attacks the immune system. This causes the body to have imbalanced hormonal changes, making the body secrete excess hormones. Diabetes occurs due to the inability of your body is unable to break down glucose in your body into energy. To avoid this you need to do a lot of running and avoid packing on a lot of weight.

The symptoms to watch out for are;

  • Feeling unusually thirsty
  • Urinate a lot
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Headaches
  • Always feeling hungry

If early mediation is not taken you risk having a heart attack, kidney disease, depression or stroke. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you need to have your eyes often checked to avoid the chances of having retinopathy or sight loss

4.  Ingrown hair in your genital area

It is possible for ingrown hair to cause boils on buttocks and inner thigh. Poor shaving around the genital area is the main reason for this. Ingrown hair forms when the hair fails to break through the skin thereby growing sideways into the skin. The condition is more likely to happen in people with tight-curly hair.

This kind of boils are not harmful, but they make you feel embarrassed and may reduce your self-esteem and affect your sex life. To reduce the pain and itching resulting from this, anti-inflammatory and anti-itching creams and gel can easily be obtain over the counter. Proper shaving is also encouraged to avoid having ingrown hair.

5.  Genital boils after shaving

Wrong shaving methods damages the skin surface. The cuts and scratches formed develop into wounds which get filled with sebum and other dead cells to form small boils. The skin surface thus becomes irritating and itchy. This is made worse when you sweat or apply deodorants. The bumps are not harmful and may go away after three days when you do not rupture them.

If you keep scratching them it could cause an infection. The boils may get more irritated and swell. Simple home remedy such apply Aloe Vera and having a warm compress will really help soothe the skin and reduce the itching and scratching urge.

To avoid boil after shaving, you could apply hair removal techniques that do not affect the skin such as waxing.

6. Genital Boils HIV

Boils could also be a sign of sexually transmitted infection. The first signs of acute retroviral syndrome or primary HIV is usually the appearance of boils on the skin surface. The boils won’t last long. The boils will disappear once your body has formed enough antibodies to fight the infection.

You should avoid self-diagnosis, you need to get yourself tested to avoid wrong medication and do away with the doubt. Since HIV weakens your immune system, you need to start taking ARV’s to strengthen the immune system and help fight the infection.

8. Poor genital hygiene

Poor genital hygiene is the other cause of boils on buttocks and inner thigh. As dirt is trapped In hair follicle, they become blocked and may be filled with sebum and other dead tissue, the result if the formation of pus filled boils in your genital area.

This kind of boils usually appear as red and are very sensitive to touch. The boils are also caused when bacteria gets trapped though cut and skin openings cause after shaving.

Upholding a proper hygiene is key in making sure the pores on your skin are not blocked. Also, you could apply anti itching creams and gel to soothe the skin. You should not pop the boil when it is still small and hard, this could be very painful and may increase the risk of having your skin infected with germs and other pathogens.

Boil on inner thigh and buttocks symptoms

It is common for the boils to heal and go away on their own, but one you notice different symptoms start to appear, you need to see your dermatologist as soon as possible. This will mean that the cause of the boils on buttock is not due to an external but an internal cause.

You need to be careful of the following symptoms:

  1. redness of skin around the boil,
  2. inflammation, pain, feeling of warmth and swelling
  3. The boils fail to go away, keep coming back
  4. More boils may start to develop around the original one.
  5. You may develop a fever.
  6. Your Lymph nodes may become swollen
  7. The boil may fail to drain

Recurring boils on inner thigh and buttocks – won’t heal

Is a boil on inner thigh and buttocks a symptom of an STD? Have you developed boils in your thigh and buttocks? What then could be the reason for a boil to recur once you pop it or have tried to treat it? Even though most boils go away after a warm compress and some antibiotics, it is possible for them to reappear. The main reason for this condition is failure to treat the underlying cause of the boil leaving you prone to future attack of the same infection.

It is very common for a boil to reappear in another part of your body after you pop it from one part of your body. You need to see a doctor for effective diagnosis and treatment. Completely treating the underlying cause of the boil on your thigh and buttock, is key to treating the boil and making sure the boil does not recur in the future.

Small boil on buttock crack

Small boils on buttock crack is not necessarily a disease but a sign of an underlying infection. The boils start as a small lump that grows bigger as pus and dead body tissue continues to fill them. The development of the boil may lead to the swelling of the lymph nodes in your groin area. If you notice some boil developing in your buttock crack, you need to get yourself diagnosed by a health care provider for effective medication.

Having a lifestyle change to maintain high hygiene is key to alleviating the pain caused by the boils. Apart from being red the boils maybe be itchy and swollen. You need to avoid too tight clothing’s and continuous scratching the boils, this could lead to you getting infected.

Take note that if the boil start to itch and swell or more starts to develop, you need to see you’re your health care provider for early medication.

Infected boils on inner thigh, buttocks

It is common for most boil to get better with time. This could possibly mean that the boil fail to cause further infection to the body tissues around the area that was infected with the boil.  It is also possible for some people to develop a secondary infection.

This can range from a relatively minor (though painful) to a more serious deep skin infection. This will include cellulitis to other serious infection such as blood poisoning (sepsis). Complication are more likely to occur when the boil is not treated properly.

Please visit you doctor for effective diagnosis and treatment. Completely treating the underlying cause of the boil in your inner thigh and buttocks, is key to treating the boil and making sure the boil does not recur in the future.

Big boil on inner thigh very painful

Does swollen and painful boils in my inner thigh mean am suffering from cancer?”  As we have already established, a boil is a good sign of an underlying health complication. As the boil grow and pus continues to fill it, it begins to swell and become painful. The pain maybe continuous and may cause you a lot of discomfort.

This is normal but to help you reduce the pain, swelling and irritation you could do the following:

  1. avoid wearing too tight fitting clothing’s
  2. avoid scratching the boils
  3. do not pop the boils
  4. Main good hygiene by wiping your thigh and buttock crack clean.

Boil on inner thigh with no head

A boil is an infection of the skin that begins as a red, tender area. With time the area becomes more tender, firm, and hard. The collection of pus (white blood cells, bacteria and dead cells). It Is the continuous flow of pus in the boil that causes the boil to grow a “head” a tipped extension form the boil.

The head can be surgically opened to remove the pus from the boil.  The development of the head on a boil, means that the boils is read to be pop, and all the pus can be safely removed from. It is not safe for you to pop the boil when the head has not developed. This could be painful and could lead to you not completely treating the boil.

How to pop a boil on buttocks and inner thigh

Popping a boil in your inner thigh or buttock can be tough and painful. You can ask somebody to help you, or you can do that on your own. The other thing you need to know is, you should not pop the boil when it is still small and hard. To pop the boil do the following:

  • Apply a warm compress around the area of the boil to sooth by expanding the blood vessels under the skin. Dip a wash cloth or a sponge in a mixture or warm water and salt, apply a gentle compress around the thigh and the buttock crack with the boil. You could also use tea tree oil which is a naturally antibiotic, good for treating most of skin infection.
  • Using your fingers, gently pop the pop by removing the content of the boil, (pus and dead tissue)
  • Using peroxide, clean the area with a clean rag. Remember Boils are not contiguous but the bacterium in them can.
  • Avoid rapping the boil since exposure to free air and sunlight will help in the healing of the drained boil.

Boils on inner thigh and buttocks treatment

To treat boils on buttocks and inner thigh, you need to treat the underlying cause. Once you visit the doctor and you are diagnosed, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics or draining the boils altogether.

What you need to do is, apply a warm compress around the affected area, to reduce the pain and help draw out the pus. After draining the boil, wash with antiseptic soap and allow time to heal, do not wrap the ruptured boil since free flow of hair is helpful in speeding up the healing process.

Natural home remedies to get rid of boils on buttock and inner thigh

Boils on buttocks mostly go away on their own. Boils are not infection but rather a sign of an underlying infection. Treating the cause of the boils is the best way to get rid of them. Otherwise you could try the following home remedies which will only help reduce the itching and pain caused by the boil. The remedies are:

a) Pop to drain the boil

You should not pop the boil when it is still and firm. Most boils are likely to drain on their own with continuous hot soak. Draining the boil could lead to prolonged infection and inflammation.

The only time that you can pop the boil is when it becomes soft and develops a visible pustule. You can do this with your own fingers or the help of a sharp object.

b) Warm compress

applying a warm compress to the boil increases the circulation of blood and helps activate the body’s immune response this brings antibodies and white blood cells to the infected area of your armpit.

Dip a rag in mixture of warm water and olive or salt and gently rub your groin area and in the buttock crack.

c) Aloe Vera

For a long time now people from different communities have been using aloe Vera for different skin complications. Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory, emollient, antibacterial and antifungal properties. It’s excellent for treating a number of skin ailments including rashes and boils. Apart from healing, it also soothes the skin, relieves itching and reduce redness.

d) Oatmeal

Oatmeal is very  good for alleviating skin irritation and inflammation, this is due to the soothing and anti-inflammatory properties it possesses it is thus a good choice to soothe the skin and reduce the itching caused by boils on buttocks. To prepare the remedy;

  • Grind oatmeal in a blender,
  • Put this mixture in a muslin cloth, tie and place it in a bath tab filled with warm water.
  • Soak in the milky bath water for 20 minutes.
  • Pat dry and moisturize your skin, repeat daily for a few days.

e) Olive oil

Applying olive oil on your inner thigh and buttock around the area developed with boils. Olive oil is rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, which help soothe your skin and reduce itching. You could also use a combination of olive oil and honey. Simply rub the mixture a few times daily until the rash heal completely.

Castor oil and coconut oil also help heal rashes naturally. A combination of vitamin E oil and liver oil is thus a good remedy.

Boils Symptoms and Treatment-Video


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