White Bumps on Tongue, Pictures, How to Get Rid

Does your tongue pain as a result of small, white bumps? What are the causes of enlarged sore throat? Are small pimples on tongue a symptom of STD?

Having small white bumps on tongue can be a cause of pain and discomfort. How then do you get ease the pain and get rid of the bumps on your tongue? Read through for more information of how the bumps look like and available treatment option.

White bumps on tongue are most commonly a harmless condition, it is common for the surface of the tongue, which is normally covered with tiny lining, to develop white bumps medically known as papillae. The bumps are usually short, fine, hair-like projections. The patches on the surface of the tongue may form a map-like geographic appearance, hence the name Geographic tongue. Geographic tongue is also known as benign migratory glossitis.

Although white bumps on tongue may look alarming, it does not cause health problem and may or may not be associated with cancer. The bump may also cause problem during swallowing of food and hot drinks causing a lot of discomfort especially for kids.

It is common for the bumps to disappear on their own after sometime, but when this fails to happen, you need to visit your health care provider for diagnoses to establish the cause of the bumps on your tongue and facilitate effective medication.

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Pictures, images of white bumps on tongue

Find a picture below illustrating the appearance of white bumps on tongue. Throughout the post, we have more images added to provide a visual aid of bumps under, tip, sides and back of tongue and throat.

White bumps on tongue causes:

White bumps on tongue could be as a result of different medical infection and conditions. Though the bumps might go away on their own, if this fails to happen please visit a dentist as soon as possible. Below is a list of the common causes of the lumps on tongue;

1. Allergic reaction

Toothpaste allergy is rare but possible. The reaction is as a result of different components of toothpaste used in manufacturing. Toothpaste flavoring such as cinnamon, mint and methanol could react to the mucus membrane in mouth. Other component such as cocamidopropyl, propolis and fluoride could also be the cause of the allergic reaction.

The result of toothpaste reaction that you need to watch out for are;

  • Swelling, dryness or infection in mouth.
  • Sensitive teeth and gums
  • Itching and peeling of mouth inner lining
  • Sores and ulcers in mouth
  • Difficulties in breathing

If the cause of the white bumps on tongue is found to be allergic reaction to the paste, then you need to discontinue it. You could try a mild toothpaste such as sensodyne or Colgate sensitive pro-relief. The option is you could try pastes made from natural ingredients.

2. Oral Leukoplakia

Oral leukoplakia appears as white patches on the mucus membrane lining the inside mouth, the tongue, mouth roof and inside cheeks. The cause of the condition is not known, but it is very common to people who have large intake of tobacco product, whether they chew, smoke or is dipped.

Oral leukoplakia is not harmful or cancerous but at times the condition maybe cancerous and start too spread to other parts of the mucus lining. For this reason you need to avoid self-diagnosing yourself and visit a dentist once you notice the bumps start to grow on your tongue.

The condition is also prevalent to people with weakened immune system, this would be due to medication used or as a result of HIV/AIDS. The other people likely to get leukoplakia are those who take in a lot of alcohol.

The treatment for this condition involves getting rid of what caused the leukoplakia in the first place. If the cause was irritation from denture or rough tooth, then the dentist will smooth it and repair the denture. On the other hand, if the cause was due to smoking, you will be advised to stop or reduce the consumption of the tobacco products.

3. Brushing

Vigorous brushing your mouth breaks the mucus lining. What follows is the reaction of the different component of toothpaste with your mouth leading to white bumps and patches on tongue, roof of mouth and inside cheek.

To avoid this, you need to use a soft-bristled toothbrush which is good for removing plaque and debris from your teeth without affecting the mouth and tongue lining.  Also avoid using a lot of force when brushing.

4. Stomatitis

Stomatitis is the inflammation of the mucus membrane that lines the inside of mouth. It may appear as a white bumps on tongue or sore on the lips, inside cheek and the lips. They are two form of this condition, herpes and aphthae stomatitis all common in children and teens.

Herpes stomatitis is caused by a virus herpes simplex 1 (HSV 1) in young children. The other type is caused by a variety of causes ranging from poor oral hygiene to damage of the mucus membrane. Others causes are dry tissues, small injury, weak immune system and sharp dental braces.

The signs of stomatitis are;

  • Multiple blisters that occur in the gums, palate and tongue.
  • Difficult swallowing and drinking.
  • Risk of dehydration
  • Painful gums and tongue
  • Sores that take long to heal

Most of the children carry the HIV 1 so preventing your kid from kissing and sharing utensils (spoon) with people with cold sore is key in preventing it.  For aphthous stomatitis, nutritional supplements like vitamin B may be prescribed. Do not forget to maintain good oral hygiene

5. Oral psoriasis

Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune condition that cause the skin cell to grow fast. This causes the skin to develop red patches. Though rare, oral psoriasis may also affect the tongue, resulting in white bumps on tongue.

Oral psoriasis is linked with an inflammatory condition affecting the inside of mouth. This is a condition commonly known as “geographic tongue” which appears as red or white patches and bumps on tongue.

The symptoms to look out for include; white to gray lesions on tongue, inflamed red bumps, pain and inflammation.

According to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), about 7.5 million people in the United State are living with psoriasis and happens at any time. How then do you treat and get rid of oral psoriasis? Good oral hygiene is key in avoid oral psoriasis. Prescription strength anti-inflammatories and topical anesthetics will be used to treat pain and swelling.

Oral psoriasis is a lifelong condition, you therefore need to avoid self-diagnosing. Visit your health care as soon as possible.

6. Stevens-Johnson syndrome

Stevens-Johnson syndrome is a rare but serious skin disorder. It affects the mucus membrane lining your mouth causing it to be inflamed.  The cause of the syndrome is an infection or allergic reaction to medication. It starts as a flu, then painful rash which grows into small bumps that ruptures to form blisters.

Symptoms include;

  • Tongue swelling
  • Skin pain blisters o mucus membrane and tongue
  • Peeling of the skin
  • Facial swelling

Stevens-Johnson syndrome should be treated as a medical emergency. Treating the syndrome involves eliminating the underlying cause, controlling the symptoms and avoiding complications. Please visit your health care provider as soon as possible.

7. Ora cancer       

Also called mouth cancer, this is a tumor that develops in the lining of the mouth. It is usual in the surface of the tongue, inside of cheek or the palate, lips or gums. For diagnosis, you need to visit a dentist who will observe to check for the following symptoms;

  • Mouth ulcers,
  • White bumps on tongue that fail to go away
  • Persistent numbness
  • Red or white or white patches on the lining of the mouth

The cause of mouth cancer has been found to be, excessive smoking and use of tobacco products, excessive intake of alcohol and infection with human papilloma virus (HPV) – a virus responsible for genital warts.

The treatment option for oral cancer depends on the stage and type of cancer you are diagnosed with. Otherwise, the common treatment option will include, Surgery, where the cells are removed surgically, Radiation therapy where high energy rays are used to kill the malignant cells in mouth or chemotherapy where powerful medication are administered to kill the cancerous cells.

8. Auto immune disorder

Auto immune disorder is as a result of your immune system attacking health body cells. According to the American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association (AARDA), the condition affects close to 50 million Americans. Depending to the type, it can affect any part of your body.  It can also cause abnormal organ growth and change in function.

There are different type of auto-immune disorder, but the most common symptoms among them include; inflammation of joints and tongue, pain on affected area, loss of taste and peeling inside mouth, lips and gums

The condition is believed to be triggered by bacteria or virus, chemical irritants and environmental irritants. In rare cases the condition maybe linked to the gene, meaning you are more susceptible to an attack if you have a family member with the condition.

The condition is chronic and has no cure, treatment involves controlling the disease process and reducing the severity of the symptoms. Therefor to reduce the chances of an attack you need to;

  • Ensure you take in a balanced diet
  • Reduce your exposure to sun
  • Reduce general stress

Medical prescriptions may include; hormone replacement therapy, blood transfusion, pain and immune suppressive medicine and finally physical therapy.

9. Sore throat

Sore throats is the pain, scratchiness or irritation of the throat that worsen when you swallow food or hot drinks. The most common cause of sore throats is a viral infection (pharyngitis). This include condition such as cold and flu. If the sore throat is due to a virus, it will resolve on its own without you having to treat it.

In some situation it is common for the sore throats to be caused by a bacteria, (streptococcal infection). This is a less common type of sore throat and might require complex treatment. Otherwise simple antibiotics can be helpful in preventing complication that might arise as a result of sore throats

8. Burning mouth syndrome

Burning mouth syndrome, sometimes referred to as “glossodynia” is a hot feeling in the mouth, lips, tongue, gums and the roof of mouth. This is a feeling that occurs due to changes in how your nerves relays information about temperature and taste to the brain. When the brain fails to interpret this information correctly, then you may feel the burning sensation. The condition can also be referred to as, neuropathic pain, due to the fact that it happens when the nerves are damaged.

The main symptoms of the condition are;

  • Loss of test
  • Test change
  • Thirst and dry mouth
  • Burning sensation that affect the mouth but mostly the tongue
  • Numbness of the mouth

The cause of BMS can be grouped into two, primary burning mouth syndrome, where no specific cause can be identified (Also called idiopathic BMS) OR secondary BMS which is most of the time as a result of an underlying medical condition. The underlying medical condition that may cause primary BMS are; dry mouth cause by medication and other health problem, oral infection such as fungal infection of the mouth, allergic reaction to food and toothpaste and nutritional deficiency. Hormonal changes is also a possible cause of BMS just to name a few.

The treatment option for BMS vary depending what is causing it. If the cause is for example nutritional deficiency, then your doctor will recommend you feed on a balanced diet, nutrient supplements may be prescribed in this case. On the other hand if the cause of the bumps on tongue is depression your anti-depressants may be given, and counselling offered. The other thing will be to change your medication if they are found to be responsible for the reaction causing the bumps

Bumps on back of your tongue STD

White bumps or spots on back of your tongue could be a sign of sexually transmitted disease, STD. a bump or patch on the back of tongue can be symptomatic of chlamydia, gonorrhea, HIV or AIDS. The bumps or spots are usually characterized by a surface of thickening in the lining of the mouth that form the white appearance.

The bumps or spots tend to vary in size and can differ from one person to another. The bumps can be irregularly shaped. In most cases, the bumps on the tongue start on the edge or side of your tongue moving towards the center. If you’re having unprotected sex, STD testing could be the right decision for you.

Gonorrhea and chlamydia are treated with antibiotics, if detected and treated early. Untreated STDs can cause a long term health risk for patients.

Small White bumps on tip of the tongue

What cause small bumps on tip of the tongue? White bumps on tongue are common and harmless. Apart from allergic reaction and auto immune disorder, your tongue can develop white bumps due to candidacies or oral psoriasis and cancer.

A Bump on Tip of Tongue
A Bump on Tip of Tongue

Treating the underlying cause of the bumps is key in treating the bumps and patches of the mouth inner lining. Please visit your health care provider as soon as possible for early diagnosis and medication.

White bumps on side of tongue

Most of the time white bumps on tongue are natural, there is no reason to worry. When you notice big, red or white bumps forming at the sides of your tongue you need to visit you doctor. This will be helpful in establishing what is causing the bumps and the best way to treat the bumps.

There are an array of symptoms associated with these bumps on sides of the tongue. Treating the underlying cause of the bumps is key in getting rid of the white bumps on tongue.

white bumps under tongue hurts, painful

What cause the bumps on tongue to be painful? The main cause of the bumps getting painful is when they rupture when you brush your teeth or the bumps keep scratching with the teeth. Also the pain could be as a result of the patches and bumps coming in contact with salty foods and acidic drinks.

Applying a mixture of coconut and honey wax can help in cushioning the surface of the tongue and reduce the pain. You could also use aloe Vera gel which is rich in anti-inflammatory, antibiotic which will help reduce the pain and speed the healing process.

White bumps on back of tongue and sore throat

I have white bumps on tongue and throat, how do I get rid of them? For many, having the bumps on tongue and throat is a really source of pain and discomfort. This is due to the fact that, swallowing of foods become painful and your mouth my start to have a bad smell reducing self-esteem.

The main cause of this kind of sores is usually oral cancer and sore throats. As the cells in your tongue start to die out, it spreads through the mucus membrane all through to the throats. Early diagnosis is fundament to the treatment and prevention of future attacks.

You could buy painkillers and antibiotics which can help ease the pain and reduce the inflammation of the bumps on your throat and tongue.

White bumps on tongue causing bad breath

With white bumps on your tongue, it become very painful for you to continue brushing your teeth. Most of the bacteria that causes bad breath are found in your tongue. Nearly 90 percent of endogenous bad breath that isn’t caused by digestive upset or metabolic diseases like diabetes is actually due to noxious bacterial build on your tongue.

To minimize the smell, you can wash your mouth with salty water after meals. You could also scrap your tongue of the colored residue of bacteria that accumulate over time. Take note that it is just important to clean your tongue as it is important to brush your teeth.

Enlarged white bumps on back of tongue

What could be the cause of these bumps on back of tongue? If you notice that the back of your tongue has bumps that fail to go away, you need to see your doctor as soon as possible for early, medication and treatment.

Having enlarge white bumps on back of your tongue can be a cause for pain and discomfort. The cause of the bumps vary and treating the underlying cause of the bumps is key in getting rid of the bumps on tongue.

You need not to worry given that it is very common for the bumps to go away on their own, otherwise if this fails to happen, you could try the simple remedies discussed below. The remedies are only for reducing the discomfort and pain not treating the underlying infection causing the bumps inside tongue.

Treatment for white bumps on tongue

Treatment option for white bumps on tongue involves treating the underlying cause of the bumps. Your dentist may prescribe a topical anesthetic to relieve the pain of the mouth sores. You can also try over the counter painkillers such as aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen

Commonly, white bumps on tongue will go away on their own after some day, however if this fails to happen please visit your dentist. This could mean an underlying medical condition. Refer to the causes above for individual treatment.

How to get rid of white bumps on tongue

Apart from treating the peeling of inside mouth and white bumps on tongue In the hospital, there are some simple home remedies you could apply at home that will help you sooth your mouth and reduce the pain, you should take note, that this is not for completely treating the white bumps and peeling but temporarily easing the pain before you finally get to the dentist.

It is also possible for some foods to irritate the blisters and sore caused by the peeling in the mouth, tongue and throat. The following remedies will help in easing the blisters soreness and irritation. You could try one or a combination of the following.

a) Wax cap

For open sores in mouth, covering them with wax is helpful in making sure they do not rub against the teeth. This will ease the pain caused and facilitate quick recovery when getting rid of the white bumps on tongue. Use a thicker wax, so that it does not get around the braces and stuck. Do the following;

  • Melt down a beeswax and coconut oil and allow them to mix
  • Allow the mixture to cool
  • Gently press dollop over the edge of the teeth to prevent the sores from rubbing

b) Aloe rinse

Aloe Vera gel is rich in anti-inflammatories and anti-itching properties. It also has antibacterial qualities which will be helpful in speeding the healing process of the sores and blisters in mouth.

All you have to do is, get the gel from a fresh aloe plant and apply on the affected parts of the tongue, leave it for 10 minute the rinse it off with warm water. Repeat this twice in a day for a week to get optimal results.

c) Chamomile tea

The other simple and common home remedy you could use to get rid of white bumps on tongue is chamomile tea. It contains a chemical compound- bisabolol which has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic qualities.  It is thus good for soothing the pain caused by sore throats and speeding the healing process. To prepare the remedy simply;

  • Soak a tea bag chamomile in water for 3 minute
  • After soaking place it directly against the sores for 5 minutes
  • Repeat this twice daily for optimal results

d) Coconut oil

Coconut oil is the other simple naturally available remedy you can use to get rid of white bumps on tongue. It is rich in anti-inflammatories and antimicrobial which helps in speeding healing and reducing the pains caused by bumps on tongue and mouth.

To use the oil as remedy, simply;

  1. Dab a moderate amount of coconut oil using a swab onto the sores.
  2. An alternative is, you can put a considerate amount of coconut oil in your mouth and leave it for 10 minutes before throwing it out
  • Repeat this twice daily till the peeling and the white bumps on tongue disappear.

e) Honey rub

Pure raw honey has antibacterial and potential anti-inflammatory qualities. It is thus an effective remedy for sore throats, ulcers and sore on tongue. When used on blisters on mouth it will help relieve the pain and reduce the irritation.

To use honey as a remedy for the bumps, rinse your mouth with warm water then apply a thick layer of raw honey on the surface of the tongue with the white bumps. Do this twice in a day for a week and f you notice the symptoms persist please visit a dentist or a general health practitioner.

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