Ingrown Hair on Your Scrotum, Causes & Treatment

Having an ingrown hair on testicle sac or scrotum can be painful and itchy. What causes ingrown hair on scrotal sac?

In this page, we have covered comprehensively the causes, the symptoms and how to cure and get rid of infected ingrown hair cyst on testicle sac. Find also pictures to help you identify your symptoms.

Ingrown hair on the testicle and the area around the crotch mostly caused by improper shaving. Usually when the skin hair is growing, at times it fail to break through the skin, it thus grows sideways into the skin. When this happens, an ingrown hair is formed. It is common in people who have tight, curly hair and often results after hair removal. When such hair is shaved or tweezed, it grows back into the skin. This may lead to signs of inflammation.

Whereas poor shaving techniques remain the major cause of ingrown hair on the testicles, there exist other factors that may also led to an ingrown hair on the scrotum. This include factors such as waxing, having a dry skin or oily skin.

Related article: Scrotum swelling causes and treatment.

What do ingrown hairs on testicles look like?

Ingrown hairs occur when hair grows back into the skin, not to the surface. Most often, hair that is shaved, waxed, or plucked will grow back through the skin and toward the surface.

When an ingrown hair develops, you may notice small, round bumps called papules or small, pus-filled bumps called pustules. In some cases, the skin around the ingrown hair may become darker. This is known as hyperpigmentation. You may also experience pain or itching around the area of the ingrown hair.

Ingrown hair on testicles symptoms

Even though most of the symptoms of an ingrown hair might easily be confused with those of bumps from STDs, boils or herpes. The most common symptoms of an ingrown hair on scrotal area would include:

  • Pain around swollen sharp and stiff hair on the scrotum
  • Skin darkening
  • Embedded hairs on the scrotum suck and crotch
  • Pus- filled pimple like swellings
  • A hard irritating bump that may be filled with puss
  • Itchy swollen bumps on the crotch area

Ingrown hair on testicle sack pictures

Ingrown hair on testicle sac can be painful especially they are infected. The hair trapped in bumps growing in the scrotum sac can be itchy and irritating. In this page we have images, pictures or photos to help you identify your symptoms.

Ingrown Hair on Scrotum Causes

Whereas poor shaving techniques remain the major cause of ingrown hair on scrotum and crotch area, other factors such as waxing, dry skin, oil skin among others can also cause ingrown hair on the scrotum and the crotch area. The structure of the hair and the direction of its growth is responsible for the development of an ingrown hair. If a person has tight curly hair because of curved hair follicles, there is a tendency for the hair to re-enter the skin when it is cut and starts growing again.

1. Improper shaving methods

Improper shaving techniques are the major cause of ingrown hairs. Other hair removal methods including waxing, as well as common friction from tight clothing may worsen the situation. If you have tight curly hair because of curved hair follicles, there is a tendency for the hair to re-enter the skin when it is cut and starts growing again. This is especially true if the hair is cut when it is dry. This created sharp edges that are more likely to grow back into the skin.

When shaving the scrotum or crotch using blunt blades, it forces one to go over the same area over again. This may push some of the shaved hair in to the pores causing then to block. It may also cause bumps on the scrotum surface that are unpleasant to look at.

2. Dry scrotum skin

When your scrotum skin is dry, any soft hair that is developing may not be able to penetrate over to the surface as required. It then remains below the surface of the skin and turns out to be an ingrown hair. Keeping the scrotum skin soft and moist always is important to try and avoid an ingrown hair. Applying moisturizing creams on dry scrotum can help you avoid this.

3. Buildup of dead skin cell

Dead skin cells may form a layer on the scrotum and crotch skin. They accumulate in many cases due to improper bathing habits. The layers formed on the skin gives the growing hair a difficulties in penetrating the pores to the skin surface, this causes the hair to coil back in thus causing an ingrown hair on the scrotum.

4. Too much oil on skin

Having too much oil on your skin may again cause an ingrown hair. The oil blocks the pores through which the hair grows out from, this causes the hair to curve and grown inwards. Same ways of handling this would be to reduce on moisturizer usage and wash with lukewarm water.

The other thing you need to do is improve your diet and lifestyle. This is because oil production is triggered internally by hormonal reaction that are influenced by your diet and lifestyle.

5. Curly hair on scrotum

Men with curly hair are at the highest risk of having an ingrown hair. When shaved curly hair usually curls back into the skin causing the blockage of the skin pores. The skin ends up being too moist due to the friction. When the pores are blocked, new hair cannot grow out to the skin surface. The result is an ingrown hair.

Having Coarse hair could also led to one having ingrown hair on the scrotum. The hair tends to grow sideways as it tries to protrude the skin surface. The hair then remains in the skin and only a small part of the tip shows above the skin.

Ingrown hair bump on testicles

Ingrown hairs occur when hair grows back into the skin, not to the surface. Most often, hair that is shaved, waxed, or plucked will grow back through the skin and toward the surface. This is because the scrotal skin is softer than that of the other parts of the body. The hair tends to grow sideways as it tries to protrude the skin surface. The hair then remains in the skin and only a small part of the tip shows above the skin.

When an ingrown hair develops, you may notice small, round bumps called papules or small, pus-filled bumps called pustules. In some cases, the skin around the ingrown hair may become darker. This is known as hyperpigmentation. You may also experience pain or itching around the area of the ingrown hair

Painful ingrown hair on testicles

When an ingrown hair develops, you may notice small, round bumps called papules or small, pus-filled bumps called pustules. In some cases, the skin around the ingrown hair may become darker. This is known as hyperpigmentation. You may also experience pain or itching around the testicle sac.

It’s normal to experience a strong urge to scratch the affected area. However, you should resist scratching or picking at razor bumps since they could break open and become infected. If you can wait it out, most razor bumps disappear within a few days.

The healing power of Aloe Vera is well known and in fact, many people use this herbal remedy to treat all sorts of cuts and burns. By moisturizing your skin with Aloe Vera, you’ll be helping your skin speed up the healing process. This all-natural gel is also effective at soothing swelling and the burning sensation that accompanies razor bumps.

A cold compress can also provide instant relief. The cold temperature numbs never endings on the affected area temporarily, thereby alleviating discomfort. To get even better results, use a cold compress right after shaving. This will help to prevent razor bumps in the first place.

Huge Ingrown hair on scrotum infected

An ingrown hair becomes irritated, swollen and itchy as the immune system attacks the intruding hair. Scratching can cause further complications by transferring bacteria from the hands to the polyp, which is vulnerable to infection.

Bacteria are most commonly responsible for ingrown hair infections is Staphylococcus aureus. Found on the surface of the skin and in nasal passages of approximately 60 percent of the population, Staphylococcus aureus usually does not cause damage. However, when it breaches the skin’s surface it can cause nasty infections. In this case, scratching the ingrown hair can open a wound for bacterial entry.

Infected ingrown scrotal hairs are a chronic problem, your doctors may try to eradicate Staphylococcus aureus from the by using antibiotic soap, nasal ointment and oral antibiotics. However, even if successful, the bacteria can easily be passed from person to person through skin contact, making this a difficult solution to maintain.

Ingrown hair on testicle won’t go away

Ingrown hair on testicle can be mild and at times work themselves out naturally, some are more serious and can leave you with an itchy, red bump that can possibly get infected. At times continued improper shaving and poor diet and lifestyle can cause the ingrown hair not to go away.

Ingrown hair scrotum cyst removal

A painless lump over the scrotal skin is most likely to be a sebaceous cyst. Also called an epidermal cyst. These cyst are common in younger age group. Skin that bears hair is kept soft by the oil (sebum) secreted by the sebaceous glands. These glands open into the hair follicles. When the duct draining the glands get blocked, they become distended by their own secretions. Eventually, enough sebum accumulates to form a smooth, firm nodule in the skin

The painless cystic swelling is called a sebaceous cyst. With most common symptom being;

  • A small, round bump under the skin, usually on the face, trunk or neck
  • A tiny blackhead plugging the central opening of the cyst
  • A thick, yellow, foul-smelling material that sometimes drains from the cyst
  • Redness, swelling and tenderness in the area, if inflamed or infected

To get rid of sebaceous cysts, apply some anti-fungal cream directly on the infected area and cover it with a clean piece of cloth or bandage, if necessary. It helps in reducing inflammation and itching. Turmeric is a good herbal remedy for curing cysts. It is an alternative method to treat cyst.

Ingrown Hair on Scrotum Treatment

Even though in most cases ingrown hair on the tactical sac do not require treatment.  Because they can, and do, clear up on their own without treatment. Occasionally, however, treatment may be necessary. The following treatment options may be helpful if you have ingrown pubic hairs. They include:

Temporarily stop shaving and waxing

Improver shaving techniques such as waxing are the common cause of ingrown hair on testicles skin. You should minimize or stop shaving temporarily to heal the ingrown hair.

Remove dead skin

Gentle washing and exfoliating around the ingrown hair may help the hair return to the surface of the skin. If that doesn’t work, your doctor might prescribe a drug that can help dead skin cells slough off more quickly. They may also help clear up dark skin patches that occurred because of the ingrown hair.

Use creams to reduce inflammation

If the ingrown pubic hair is causing a lot of redness and inflammation, your doctor may prescribe a steroid cream. This topical treatment can reduce the swelling and irritation around the hair.

Take antibiotics

If the ingrown pubic hair results in an infection, you may require an antibiotic ointment. If the infection is severe, an oral antibiotic might be needed. Your doctor will provide you with the prescription of the antibiotics.

How to remove an ingrown hair on testicles skin

To remove an ingrown hair from the testicles, the following procedures will work;

  • Use a sterile needle, tweezers or a rotable medical device for ingrown hairs to gently tease the hair out of the skin
  • Wash the area around the (formerly) ingrown hair with warm water and moisturizing soap.
  • Apply an antiseptic to provide extra protection against infection.
  • Apply a warm, moist compress to the area for a few minutes. This will soften the skin.



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