Rash on Nose, around Mouth, Upper Lips, Dry Skin, Causes, Won’t Go Away, Pictures & Treatment

Do you have rash on nose, around the mouth and on upper lips? The rash can be very itchy, painful and discomforting. Having a dry skin can be the reason for this rash. In this article we provide possible causes of the rash, reasons why the rash will fail to go away, treatment options for different rash and images to show how these rash appear.

The common cause of rash on lips, around mouth and nose is perioral dermatitis. This is an inflammatory ski condition accompanied by itchy bumpy pimples like bumps. It usually appears as scaly or red rash around the lips and in folds around the nose. Topical steroids and cosmetic products have been found to be the main trigger of perioral dermatitis. Discontinue use of this products can be fundamental in preventing and treating the condition.

Rash on Nose
Rash on Nose

Other common cause of this kind of rash include eczema, impetigo, hives, contact dermatitis and cold sores. In children the rash can be cause by drooling, messy eating and contact dermatitis from sharing objects such as towel with infected adults. Read through as we discuss all these cause below.

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Treating the rash depends on what the cause is. Therefor general treatment option will involve the use of topical ointment, emollients and antibiotics. Be sure to check in with your health care provider for effective diagnosis before treatment can commence.

What causes rash on nose?

skin rash on nose can be caused by a number of possible reasons. They include:

1. Eczema

The common cause of skin rash in both children and adult is eczema. Also known as atopic dermatitis.  It is an inflammation of the skin which tend to flare up time to time. The condition has no cure but treatment can be used to control mild cases.

The common symptoms associated with the disease include;

  • The skin feels dry
  • Same area may be inflamed and swollen
  • Itchy rash
  • Swollen areas may become infected
  • Re itchy bumps around mouth and nose

The causes include allergy, pollution and change in climate. Mild case of eczema usually clears up on their own whereas severe cases may last up to few weeks.

Topical ointment and skin moisturizes can be used to clear up the symptoms. Such as itching and inflammation.

2. Contact dermatitis

The other cause of rash on nose is contact dermatitis. This is a type of eczema triggered by contact of particular substance such as soap, facial make ups, topical ointments and other allergic substance. The condition can clear up on its own when you reduce the contact to the allergens.

For mild case topical ointment can be used to reduce the itching and swelling. Keep the rash clean. You can do this by using mild soaps and warm salty water. Aloe Vera gel can also be helpful in relieving the skin of the itching. See a doctor if the condition fails to clear up.

3. Perioral dermatitis

Perioral dermatitis is a common cause of skin rash among young women. Though it can affect people of all sex, perioral dermatitis causes red rash on nose, mouth and lips. It is also associated with the inflammation of the skin around mouth. The condition is triggered by use of steroid creams on face.

Other causes of perioral dermatitis include the following;

  • Cosmetics and facial cleansers
  • Steroid creams
  • Climatic condition such as long and long exposure to sun burn
  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Yeast and germs accumulation
  • Contraceptives pills

The condition is not life threatening, for mild cases discontinued use of the creams, use of topical ointments and emollient can all help in controlling the itchiness and pain associated with the rash. Antibiotics may also be used to clear the rash.

4. Hives

Also known as urticarial, mild cases of hive last for less than 5 weeks. Hives are certain outbreaks of swollen red bumps and plaques that appear on skin. Hives are caused by allergic reaction to allergens but at times they may appear for no known reason.

On skin they cause itching, may have red swollen bumps and may cause the skin to have a burning sensation. The common allergen that might cause this kind of reaction include food, medication or infection. Insect bites and internal medical diseases have been known to cause hives.

When the hives fails to clear up, you need to visit a health care provider. The common treatment option for severe cases of hives would include antihistamine and oral corticosteroids. Epinephrine and cortisone injection maybe used for chronic hives also called angioedema.

5. Drug allergy

Drug allergy also known as medicine allergy occurs when the immune system gives a negative response to medical drugs. This is because when you take the drug, your immune system produces antibodies which help in secretion of histamine that become reactive to the drug causing the symptoms to appear.

Symptoms of a drug allergy include;

  • Red bumpy itchy rash-hives
  • Rash on skin
  • Itching of the skin
  • Unexplained swelling of lips, tongue and eyes
  • Running nose
  • wheezing

The best way to treat the allergy is to discontinue the use of the allergic drug. Anti-histamine injection or oral pill may also be used. You need to see a doctor immediately for diagnosis. Do not self-medicate.

6. Impetigo

Impetigo is another common cause of rash on nose. It is a very highly contagious skin infection that mostly attack children, through it can also attack adults regardless of their age. Impetigo is not serious, mild case clear up on their own within few weeks of infection.

The common symptoms associated with impetigo is the presence of sores and blood blister on the rash. The skin becomes itchy and painful and one may experience burning sensation. If immediate medical attention is not taken, the blisters may start to spread to other parts, one may experience swollen gland ad high fever.

People with chronic medical condition such as diabetes, those with weak immune system and those with HIV/AIDS are at the highest risk of contracting impetigo. Given that the condition can clear on its own, treatment is usually prescribed to reduce the time it takes to do so and to manage the symptoms. The common used medication is antibiotic which can be either cream or tablets.

7. Cold sores

Cold sores also called fever blisters are viral infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. They are tinny fluid filled blister around the lips. The sores can also be caused by another type of the virus, herpes simplex virus type 2 which causes genital herpes. This can be through having oral sex with an infected person.

The condition is highly contagious. It can spread from person to person through close contacts. There is no treatment available for this condition. Antiviral may be used to treat the blisters and reduce how often the rash, blister and sores recur in the future.

8. Lyme disease

The other possible cause of rash on nose is Lyme disease. This is an inflammatory disease characterized by rash, fever and headache. When immediate medical attention is not given, it is possible for it to cause arthritis, neurological and cardiac disorders.

Lyme disease is caused by a bacterial transmitted by tick. The condition can be manage and treated if detected early. Failure to do that, it might cause severe symptoms, please seek immediate medical attention if you notice the following symptoms;

  • Inflamed, painful and swelling joints
  • Inflammation of the heart muscles
  • Memory problems
  • Numbness and pain in limbs
  • Inflammation of the brain membrane- meningitis
  • Severe headache
  • Increased sensitivity to light

Rash around nose won’t go away

Most skin disorders are harmless and will clear up ow their own within a week or two. This however, depends with how healthy your body is which is determined by how healthy you feed, the hygiene your body is in and underlying cause of the rash.

A rash will probable fail to go away if immediate medical attention is not take. Continued use of the cosmetics and topical creams causing the rash can also lead to a rash not healing. The other possible reason would be to use wrong medication or treating the wrong symptoms. For instance you could be treating an allergy whereas the underlying reason for the rash is impetigo.

The reason for us insisting you see a dermatologist is so that you can be diagnosed to find out what the actual cause of the rash is. When this is done, you will be treating the underlying condition and not the visible symptoms presented. Over-the-counter medication should be avoid until the reason for the rash is known.

Topical ointment can be used to reduce the itching and swelling caused by the rash. But if the creams become reactive to the skin or they tend to worsen the condition, discontinue the use and see a doctor,

Red itchy skin rash around both sides of the nose

Red itchy skin rash around both side of nose is in most cases caused by eczema also referred to as atopic dermatitis. Eczema is a medical condition that causes the skin to feel rough and become inflamed. It may be accompanied with blisters that cause itching and bleeding. The common cause of eczema is skin reaction from irritation.

The rash caused by eczema can also be caused by allergic reaction to foods and medicine. With proper treatment the condition can be controlled, however, if this is not done, then eczema often develops into more serious allergic condition such as hay fever and asthma.

There is no effective treatment for eczema. Topical corticosteroids creams and skin moisturizers can be used to manage the symptoms, reducing itching and inflammation.

Blotchy red flaky skin around nose and under mouth

Blotchy flaky skin rash around nose are in most cases associated with perioral dermatitis. Having a dry skin in winter is a common problem many people experience. The skin around the nose is more sensitive than that of most body parts. When you have a cold and are constantly blowing your or wiping your nose, the skin gets very sensitive, this can be dangerous to skin and as it can also exacerbate existing skin condition.

Rash around Mouth
Rash around Mouth

Blotchy red skin around nose ca also indicate an underlying skin condition. The common condition could be atopic dermatitis or eczema or seborrhea dermatitis. The cause of seborrheic dermatitis is not known. The condition is however aggravated by cold weather. It is not life threatening and can be treated by hydro cortisone creams apply on face once before bed. This will be helpful in treating the itching, scratching urge and pain.

If symptoms persist or the rash start to spread throughout the face, discontinue the use of any topical ointment and seek medical attention.

Rash around mouth child

Rash around mouth for children can be caused by one or the combination of the following;

  • Messy eating, after feeding your child you should wipe his/her mouth clean to prevent rash from developing around mouth
  • Impetigo, this is a contagious skin infection that can be transmitted to your child through closer physical contact with infected objects or people
  • Bacterial infection from playing and eating dirty objects can also be the cause for this rash to develop around mouth.
  • Drooling, leaving saliva on lips of your kid for long can cause rash to develop around them.
  • Hand-mouth disease, coxsackie are common virus that can cause rash to develop on children mouth, the virus can be contacted form playing with infected or dirty objects.
Rash around Mouth Baby
Rash around Mouth Baby

As a parent you need to be very cautious of what objects your child plays with. Make sure the child is cleaned after meals and the objects your child plays with are clear, dry and sterilized.

Skin rash around mouth itchy

A skin rash around mouth is in most case caused by perioral dermatitis. This is an inflammatory rash eruption around mouth. The rash may appear as scaly with red bumpy pimple like bumps. The rash caused by perioral dermatitis may appear around eyes, on forehead and on chin. The bumps may contain pus and are in most cases similar to those of acne.

Perioral dermatitis can be treated using topical ointments, topical antibiotic medication, oral antibiotics, immunosuppressive creams and topical acne treatment. Please seek medical attention if the above medication are not effective or the rash start to spread to other part of the face.

Rash on upper lips

Rash on upper lips can be very discomforting. It reduces you general self-esteem and may also reduce your sex drive. Most rash are accompanied by itchy bumpy fluid filled blister that ooze fluids when popped. Most of these rash are harmless and may clear up on they own.

Understanding the cause of the rash on upper lips can be very important in providing the best treatment option on how to get rid of the rash and prevent it from recurring in the future. The following are the common causes of rash on lips;

  • Perioral dermatitis, this condition is triggered by use of topical steroids. The rash formed is accompanied by red bumps and causes the inflammation of the skin around the lips. Cosmetic make ups and topical ointment might also trigger this condition
  • Cold sore, also called fever blister this condition is caused by herpes simplex virus type 1. The condition can also be caused by herpes simples type 2 when you have oral sex with a person infected with genital herpes. Main symptoms include itchy, painful and fluid filled blisters on lips
  • Drug allergy, caused when your immune system react negatively to medicine. This cause the skin to develop rash and painful itchy bumps. Antihistamine and discontinued use of the drugs is key in treating drug allergy.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis, a common inflammatory skin disorder that causes the skin to develop yellow to white scales mostly in oily areas of the skin. This condition is common in infants. See a pediatrician if the condition fails to clear up within a week.
  • Too much lip licking, the saliva contain chemicals that might react to the epidermis causing rash. This is a common condition in dry environments. Emollients and normal petroleum jelly might be used to keep the lips moist.
  • Contact dermatitis, common in children but can also affect the adult, this are rash formed when the skin come in contact with physical contacts with objects such as soap and facial make ups. Discontinue using the reacting substance or using topical ointments such as anti-itching and anti-inflammatory creams to relieve the skin of the pain and itching.

Rash on lips pictures

The appearance in shape, texture, size and color of the rash on lips vary depending on what is causing the rash. Below we have provided you with some images to help you understand more about the rash. You should be warned that the diagnosis provider in this article cannot be substituted for a physical diagnosis by a professional health care provider.

Rash on upper Lip Picture
Rash on upper Lip Picture
Periorificial Dermatitis on Lips and around Mouth
Periorificial Dermatitis on Lips and around Mouth

Rash on lips treatment

Treating rash on lips involves treating the underlying cause of the rash and relieving the symptoms presented by the rash. Most skin condition are not life threatening. Most of the condition, however, are highly contagious. Early medication and treatment is thus required to minimize the spread and reduce the pain especially for children. The treatment option will vary depending with the cause.

Maintaining high level of hygiene and discontinue use of the allergen can also be helpful in treating the condition. The commonly used treatment option for the rash include but not limited to the following;

  • Topical ointment such as anti-itching, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory are good skin soothing agents
  • Oral antibiotics
  • Emollients and skin moisturizers help to relax, soften and sooth the skin. Helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation
  • Topic antibiotics this help in destroying and inhibiting growth of microorganism causing infection
  • Immunosuppressive for auto-immune disorder causing rash

How to get rid of rash on nose and around mouth

Apart from the medicines used to treat the rash, simple, natural home remedies may be used to get rid of the rash. To get rid of the rash at home, you ca try the following remedies. Please see a doctor if the symptoms persist and the rash fails to go away.

  • Aloe Vera is a strong antibiotic and anti-itching gel that appear naturally. Apply the gel twice in a day for a week for optimal result.
  • Olive oil has very strong anti-itching property, it is thus good for relieving the skin of the itchy rash on nose mouth and lips
  • Chamomile tea. Washing your face with it can be helpful in relieving the itching and irritation caused by the rash
  • Witch hazel is a strong astringent that works well with most skin disorder. It is effective treating the rash caused by eczema, psoriasis and contact dermatitis. It is effective in both adults and children.
  • Warm or cold compress
  • Clean the rash around nose with antiseptic fluids such as methylated spirit
  • Discontinue the use of the reacting cosmetics and strong perfumed soaps
  • Avoid scratching and popping the itchy bumps

Sources and references


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