Bitten Tongue, Causes Bleeding, In Sleep, Remedies, Treatment

Having a bitten tongue is not strange. At one point you’ve accidentally bitten your tongue. It could be in sleep or generally while eating or chewing.  A small bite of the tongue could result in bleeding. The cut tongue could also cause an infection. This page provides some simple but effective ways on how to heal, treat and relief a biting on your tongue.

We all have had our tongue bitten or cut at one time or another. It can happen while eating or at times accidentally. You may too scrap your tongue against a rough surface. If you have an impacted tongue, the tongue can become bruised. A bruised tongue is not a serious condition. You may experience severe and uncontrollable bleeding. You should get emergency treatment.

Bitten tongue remedies are simple and effective to relief the pain and stop bleeding. They include:

  1. Applying toothpaste onto the bruised surface of the tongue
  2. Gargle with salt water
  3. Use ice cubes and place them on the affected area. This prevent further bleeding
  4. Applying aloe Vera juice against the cut part of the tongue

Tongue Bitting in Sleep

Tongue biting can happen accidentally. Whereas it can occur while talking or chewing, to some people it happens while they are in sleep. This could be serious if a larger portion of the tongue is cut. A seriously bruised tongue while in sleep could cause bleeding. It is not surprising to end up with sores or develop canker sores.

The experience of tongue biting while asleep is not strange. People who bite their tongue while they are asleep commonly damage the on the sides or the tip of the tongue. What are the causes of tongue biting while sleeping? Here are the possible cause: sleep bruxism, nocturnal seizures and rhythmic disorders. Below is a brief discussion of each.

1. Nocturnal seizures

Seizures during sleep is the primary cause of tongue biting. Nighttime seizures can cause bruises or cut on your tongue. This can be seen on the edges of the tongue. Tongue biting is listed as a symptom of seizures.

Treatment for seizures can help prevent tongue damage during sleep. The medication for seizure should be given by your healthcare provider.

2. Rhythmic movement disorder

This is another potential causes of bruising or biting your tongue while you are asleep. This condition involves banging of the head, truck movements, rolling and rocking. They are seen mostly in children. Severe cases can result to tongue injuries and biting.

Therapy particularly cognitive behavior is recommended if you suffer from sleep apnea.

3. Bruxism

Also known as teeth grinding, this is another cause of tongue biting while sleeping. It is usually accompanied by other sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea. People with snoring habit are likely to grind their teeth in sleep resulting to bruising their tongue.

Bruxism can be treated by identifying the underlying cause. Cognitive therapy is usually recommended. It will help you deal with stress and anxiety which are the major causes of bruxism.

Other causes of tongue biting during sleep include:

4. Lyme disease infection

5. Stress

6. Sleep apnea

7. Wearing bracelets

Bitten Tongue according to NHS

According to NHS, tongue biting can be accidental. It can be caused by something obvious and visible. A bitten tongue could mean an underlying problem that needs treating. To reduce bleeding, put a compression on the tongue. Avoid anything that makes it worse. This include eating spicy foods.

A Bleeding Bitten Tongue 

Your tongue bleeding, soreness and ulcers forming is a result of severe tongue biting. It may happen accidentally, while eating or in sleeping. A severe bruised or cut tongue can lead to bleeding. This may require urgent care or medical attention to stop the bleeding. A number of home remedies can be applied to heal the bitten tongue.

A tongue bitten after seizure could also bleed. Seizure is a symptom of brain or nervous problem. It happens because of electrical activity in the brain. Most seizures last from between 30 seconds and 2 minutes. Although they don’t cause lasting harm, a seizure could cause tongue biting. A recurring seizure due to brain disorder could cause epilepsy.

Bitten Tongue Infection

In rare cases, the tongue can get infected from an accidental bitten tongue. In most of the time, the tongue is protected from infection unless you have a compromised immune system. The tongue bite may or may not break the outer tissues of your tongue.

In some cases, an injured tongue may be exposed to bacteria or other infection. The deep cut on the tongue can be a breeding ground for bacterial infection. An injury on the tongue can is usually painful. But when infection occurs, it gets more painful. Infection on the tongue can cause irritation. This can be worse if eat hot and spicy foods.

If your tongue bite shows signs of an infection such as swelling, pain or fever – contact your doctor for a course of antibiotics.

Bitten Tongue with White Spots, causing bumps

White bumps, sores or spots from a bitten tongue is common. This shouldn’t be a cause for alarm. The white spot on the tongue can be inflamed probably by a canker sore. The spot is usually a healing sore from the bruised tongue. Obviously, you can cause a minor damage to the tongue either from scratching it with food or teeth. When this occur, you will notice a tender swollen spot or bump that may be white. But this should slowly get better with time.

Accidental biting of the tongue can cause bumps. This is due to the swelling and soreness of the injured tongue. It take a few days to recover. There is nothing to worry about. To speed up recovery, do this:

What to do at home:

  1. Do warm saline rinses 3 to 4 times a day
  2. Avoid taking hot and spicy food
  3. Apply ointment containing choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride on the affected tongue 2 to 3 times a day.
  4. Avoid chewing from the side of the affected tongue for few days
  5. To minimize pain and swelling, you can take analgesic like Diclofenac

You can alternatively do salt water gargle and apply ointment on the tongue.

If you follow these measures, you should get better soon.

Bitten Tongue Treatment, How to Heal, cure or Treat

There are a number of ways you can heal or cure your tongue. The discussion below is to give you a guideline on how you can treat a bitten tongue. The steps include:

1. Clean the tongue

As soon you discover you’ve bitten tongue while either eating or drinking, wash your mouth with clean water. You can as well use saltwater. Make sure the bruised tongue is clean.

2. Minimize the bleeding

A severely injured tongue can cause bleeding. If you see blood, stop it immediately. Here’s how to stop the bleeding.

  • Apply pressure on the cut part of your tongue
  • Use gauze or press your tongue against the wound

If the bruise is very large or deep, seek immediate medical attention.

3. Reduce Swelling

Swelling is likely to happen when you injure your tongue. Here’s how to reduce swelling

  • Apply cold –ice on the wound
  • Hold the ice in place for a minute or so

4.  Rinse with warm salt water

Rinse the part of your tongue that is bruised or cut.

  • Warm water and put it in a cup
  • Add a tablespoon of sea salt in the warm.
  • Dissolve the salt
  • Use the solution to swish it around your mouth and tongue
  • Do this in a couple of hours
  • This should help reduce the pain and also the wound clean.

5. Avoid acidic, hot or spicy foods

You may be forced to avoid eating acidic, hot or spicy foods. These are likely to reverse or slow down the healing process.

6. Allow it to heal.

Give the part of tongue that is injured considerable time to allow it heal. Chew food on the side of the tongue that is not affected. Do not poke the area with your tongue.

Bitten Tongue Remedies, Relief

There are ways or remedies to help relief a bitten tongue. They Include:

1. Take a pain reliever

If the pain is too much to bear, take over- the- counter pain reliever. You may use diclofenac, aspirin or ibuprofen.

2. Apply ointment

Use ointment containing choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride on the affected tongue 2 to 3 times a day.

3. Applying toothpaste onto the bruised surface of the tongue

4. Gargle with salt water in your mouth and tongue

5. Use ice cubes and place them on the affected area.

This prevent further bleeding and swelling

6. Applying aloe Vera juice against the cut part of the tongue.

This is to prevent inflammation and infection.

Sources and references



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